

Nowadays it is impossible to perform roadworks on highways, motorways or local communication routes without the equipment for cold milling of road surfaces. Road milling machines are used for removing old or damaged layers, particularly when it is necessary to preserve the original profile grade after laying new covering layers or if it is necessary to adjust the profile grade of the road surface due to the demands placed on it by the increasing traffic. It is also possible to use this equipment for chipping the road surface in dangerous sections, as for levelling unevenness and deformations of the surface. 


Cold recycling on site

Technology based on the secondary use of materials already built into the construction of the road surface. It is used where the load capacity of the road is exhausted and the road surface is so damaged that the reconstruction of a number of layers is essentially required. A sign of such damage is the appearance of multiple cracks, frequently accompanied by numerous potholes and surface deformations, particularly in the vehicle tracks or at the road edges.


Hot recycling on site

Hot state recycling on site is an economic and ecological method of repairing asphalt covers of road surfaces. This progressive technology is used for re-shaping and the improvement of quality for the existing asphalt cover and it is also possible to lay a new top surface in the same working cycle (REPAVE and REMIX PLUS).


Soil stabilization

Soil stabilization is a process used to enhance the load bearing capacity that does not meet minimum requirements in terms of bearing capacity and the quality of material. Soil stabilization or the improvement of the load bearing capacity and quality of the material can be enhanced by the traditional method based on the partial or complete removal of soil with the unsatisfactory characteristics and replacing it with a higher quality material.

However, the aforementioned method has shortcomings in the large material consumption, longer duration of construction and thus in the financial factor.


Road shoulders maintenance

The proper functioning of road shoulders and ditches is essential for the maintenance of the good technical condition and maximum extension of the life span of the road surface. The alignment of verges and maintenance of ditches ensures the systematic drainage of water from the road surface. This helps avert waterlogging, flooding and underwashing of road verges, as well as the formation of potholes. The result is a saving on the costs invested in road repairs. A significant benefit of maintaining road shoulders and profiling of ditches is increased traffic safety. One of the main reasons for securing the drainage of rainwater from the road surface is to avoid the effect of Aquaplaning.


Ditches maintenance

The proper functioning of road shoulders and ditches is essential for the maintenance of the good technical condition and maximum extension of the life span of the road surface. The alignment of verges and maintenance of ditches ensures the systematic drainage of water from the road surface. This helps avert waterlogging, flooding and underwashing of road verges, as well as the formation of potholes. The result is a saving on the costs invested in road repairs. A significant benefit of maintaining road shoulders and profiling of ditches is increased traffic safety. One of the main reasons for securing the drainage of rainwater from the road surface is to avoid the effect of Aquaplaning.


Cracks recycling

Postupak sanacije pukotina vrućom reciklažom koristi se za popravak uzdužnih oštećenja asfaltnog kolnika čime se sprječava prodor vode i nečistoća u donje slojeve kolnika a time i nastavak degradacjie kolnika. Kod ove tehnologije iskorištava se 100% prvobitnog materijala kolnika i nema nikakvog otpada. Uzdužne pukotine i otvorene radne reške česta su pojava na našim cestama (najčešće nastaju na spojevima voznih trakova). Ako ne dođe do pravovremenog uklanjanja ovih oštećenja, dolazi do postupne degradacije habajućeg sloja, nastanka udarnih rupa i do smanjenja životnog vijeka kompletnog kolnika. Prikladno i ekonomski isplativo saniranje ovih oštećenja je primjena vruće reciklaža na licu mjesta – Remiks.


Stone cushing on site

Postupak drobljenja/frezanja kamenog sloja koristi se za usitnjavanje kamenog sloja prometnice ili platoa upotrebom specijaliziranog traktorskog nastavka – freze. Drobljenjem kamenog sloja i
reprofilacijom poboljšava se granulometrijska krivulja kolnika ili se homogenizira postojeći sloj kolnika u traženoj debljini a nakon čega se vrši izravnavanje i po potrebi nabijanje. Reprofilirani sloj se može koristiti kao završna obrada gdje ovako obrađeni i homogenizirani sloj nakon izravnavanja i nabijanja može služiti svojoj svrsi (npr. nevezani makadamski kolnik) ili se reprofilacija može uporabiti za usitnjavanje većih kamenih frakcija, kada je potrebno razbiti velika zrna koja sprječavaju uporabu zemljanih freza ili reciklera odnosno dobiti finu frakciju koja nedostaje te na taj način optimalizirati krivulju zrnatosti radi naredne obrade.


Water supply

Usluga dopreme vode uključuje dopremu pitke vode, dopremu vode na gradilište, opskrbu stojeva vodom kao i prskanje izvednog sloja kolnika vodom (tampona, stabilizacije i slično). Za dugoročnije
angažmane nudimo navedenu uslugu na području cijele Hrvatske.